Alamak sey 2day so hot....wa vs the australia/new zealand under 17 team 2day 1st half sec 1n2 we losing 3-0...den the show begins...second half when the sec3,4n5 play we win bak 4-3 happy seh...wa so hotttttttieeeeeeee....dun tok bout mi my performance 2day sucks though i am the 1st 11....RUBBISH SEYYYYYYYYYy
Hi...Ahlama play soccer kana slided by one 16 years old boy!!! Freak la...if Slide bak only kana RED card haiz...Happy tat I injured him bak but I never slide fm behind so no REd card good seh...Coach Praised mi Wa so happy and said I done my Best Man..........Monday got training Hip hop perfromance training man...REALLY A AHLAMA week.